
Portraits of the 17th - 19th c.

Special place in the collection of the Historical Museum has a group of portraits painting from the 16th - 19th century. Portrayed people were connected with the Sanok region due to their provenance, status and family relations. Most of these objects had been a possession of the Lithuanian gentry – Załuscy family from the palace in Iwonicz whose property was taken over after the World War II.
Amongst the 17th century portraits, being an example of so-called the Sarmatian portrait, images of the king Jan III Sobieski and unknown man of 'Junosza' coat of arms deserve special interest. A portrait of Franciszek Sebastian Foltowicz, a famous counter-reformator and parish priest in Blizne village, dates back to the same period. Next group of images from the 18-th century, belonging to the collection of Załuscy family, comprises the gallery of family portraits. A portrait of Michał Ogiński, great 'hetman' (commander) of Lithuania, painted by Rossina Mathieu Lisiewska in 1755 undoubtedly deserves special interest. The image came into existence in Dresden where the artist was working. Andrzej Drohojowski, an administrator ('starosta') of the Sanok district, was associated with the town as well as Ksawery Krasicki who made a name for himself by heroic defence of the Sanok castle against Austrian army in 1809. He was a founder and an owner of the Orthodox church in Lesko. Although most of portraits, painted by anonymous artists, stand at a different level of execution, they are valuable in terms of historical, archival and documentary evidences. The 17th century portrait of The lady with a fan painted by Gijsbert Sibilla, a painter coming from the circle of Rembrandt van Rijn, is the most valuable object on account of the exceptional painting value. The painting was acquired from the Załuscy family collection.


Opening hours:

16 April to 15 November

Mon 8am - 12pm
other days of the week 9am - 5pm


16 November to 15 April

Mon 8am  - 12pm
Tues - Fri 9am - 4pm
Sat - Sun 9am - 3pm


Regular fee – 29 PLN
Reduced fee – 19 PLN
Family 2+1 – 72 PLN
Family 2+2 – 88 PLN
Family 2+3 and more – 100 PLN
Ticket for 1 temporary exhibition (for people who do not visit permanent exhibitions) – PLN 5
Audio Guide – 12 PLN

here is the instruction manual for the audioguide...

Guided tour in Polish – 100 PLN
(1 guide can guide a group of up to 25 people)

Guided tour in English, French or German is available for ordering at the ticket office or by phone + 48 13 46 306 09, ext. 35, fare – 150 PLN
All reservations e-mail: rezerwacja.mhs@interia.pl

© The Historical Museum in Sanok is the exclusive owner of copyrights of Zdzisław Beksiński's works 

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