
Sacral art of the Roman Catholic Churtch 15th - 19th c.

The exhibition consists of exhibits coming from the old churches and chapels of the Przemyśl diocese. These are mainly works of anonymous authors presenting various level of skills. The baptismal font from the non-existent gothic church of St Michael the Archangel in Sanok is the oldest relic in this collection.
The late gothic is represented also by an expressive crucifix from the parish church in Mrzygłód, made with great precision, small, polychromed sculpture of St Elisabeth, the Virgin and Christ and panel from the triptych presenting Christ falling under the cross. The exhibition is complemented with large-sized baroque paintings with dynamic, frequently diagonal compositions and polychromed sculptures of saints, which had comprised original equipment of the churches. Special artistic value have unusually expressive rococo sculptures – outstanding work of the Lvov school dating from 2 half of the 18-th century. That group is represented by the sculptures of St Nepomucene and unknown saint. Small-sized, carved crucifixes, figures of angels and sculptures of the Pensive Christ being a product of folk, local authors are represented in large number.


Opening hours:

16 April to 15 November

Mon 8am - 12pm
other days of the week 9am - 5pm


16 November to 15 April

Mon 8am  - 12pm
Tues - Fri 9am - 4pm
Sat - Sun 9am - 3pm


Regular fee – 29 PLN
Reduced fee – 19 PLN
Family 2+1 – 72 PLN
Family 2+2 – 88 PLN
Family 2+3 and more – 100 PLN
Ticket for 1 temporary exhibition (for people who do not visit permanent exhibitions) – PLN 5
Audio Guide – 12 PLN

here is the instruction manual for the audioguide...

Guided tour in Polish – 100 PLN
(1 guide can guide a group of up to 25 people)

Guided tour in English, French or German is available for ordering at the ticket office or by phone + 48 13 46 306 09, ext. 35, fare – 150 PLN
All reservations e-mail: rezerwacja.mhs@interia.pl

© The Historical Museum in Sanok is the exclusive owner of copyrights of Zdzisław Beksiński's works 

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